Questions for Everybody in the Show
Question 1:
For everybody, but probably Lochlann O'Mearáin the most:
Since this was a kids' show about weapons, and since most kids' shows put a lot of weight on modelling safe behaviour to avoid getting sued, was there any conversation - at any point - about how often the characters would bare-hand grab a sword by its blade?
I've heard so many stories about network censors demanding changes for the dumbest things, so I'm just shocked this got away with multiple adults picking up or handling A Large Knife by the sharp end all the time.
Question 2:
For everybody:
Did any of you ever get hit with that mace, and if you did, was it enough to crack any of the costumes?
I know that mace was foam, but as someone who's been smacked with a tennis ball a few times, this is also my way of asking, "Hey, how thick was the plastic on those suits? Could they take a tennis ball?"
Question 3:
For everybody, but probably Lisa Dwan the most:
Did they give you anything to keep your helmets on, or was 30% of your time spent readjusting them?
They were almost always straight! But it looked like it was happening through sheer willpower, and Deirdre's seemed especially held on through thoughts and prayers.
Question 4:
For Justin Pierre:
The spinny thing that Ivar did after firing his trident - was that your idea?
'Cause that was cool. I liked it. :) Great touch.
Question 5:
For everybody:
The show came out in 1998, but how long was it in production for before that? When did you start filming, and when did it wrap?
Question 6:
For everybody, but especially Charlotte Bradley:
Did you end up keeping (with or without permission) any of the props?
Like especially Charlotte Bradley. Specifically the sceptre (for fun) and those two outfits from Episodes 18 and 27:

Question 7:
For everybody, but probably Gerry O'Brien the most:
What was the rule for actors working with horses?
I know they had to switch to stunt doubles if the horses were actually moving (and that would've happened no matter what experience people had - safety on the set), but I think I only ever saw Torc actually get on or off a horse. Everyone else was either sat perfectly still on one already, or the scene was starting right after the character was off of it (except for one time Lisa Dwan and Vincent Walsh went like five, slow steps).
Did Gerry O'Brien have the most experience with them, so he got to ride them the most? Or was that because it made Torc look cool, and they would've done it that way even regardless?
Question 8:
For everybody:
Did the horses have to keep coming back, or were all those scenes shot kinda close together?
Were there 'horse days'? Was that a big deal? Or was it some people filming their scenes, and other people off with the horses for a while like any regular film schedule? I don't know how horse logistics work.
Question 9:
For everybody:
:D Whose dog was that? (From here in Episode 18)
Question 10:
For Kelly Campbell:
Was that your first time doing wire-work, or did you already have experience?
And for the loose sway Aideen has in her shots to give her a 'hovering' effect, how much of that was editing to add more motion, and how much was them dangling you on a cable and letting you swing around with a stomach made of steel?
Question 11:
For Lochlann O'Mearáin:
On the super, super off-chance you actually run into this, I'm passing along a question someone else had on YouTube. So for Episode 14, "Aideen and The Stone Princess," at the 1 minute and 24 second mark:
There were two other comments saying it'd be funnier if it wasn't, but no one can tell. :P
Question 12:
For everybody:
Did any of you get trailers?
This is sort of a loaded question. If the answer's 'yes,' I'll follow that up with, "Were they nice trailers? Private ones? Have you had one before? :D"
But if the answer's 'no,' please know I'm retroactively side-eyeing the production company on your behalf, 'cause they were playing with Power Rangers money, filming fifty episodes, and Lisa Dwan looked cold. I'm assuming Kelly Campbell got to film in a room with climate control, but if she didn't, then she looked cold too. Where was the trailer budget?
I'll come up with more questions as I go and pick up from where I left off. In the meantime, if you could kindly email your formal, official, legally-binding, no-take-backsies answers to the following address, I can add them to this page for everybody to enjoy 💕:
Oh - and please let me know if you're picking Option 1 or Option 2 from the previous page. It's not going to change anything, but I might start a little tally to keep track of those answers for - like... posterity reasons.
Also please ignore what it said on that page about me giving you five bucks. You're worth more than that. 💕 And I was lying. 💕 Unless you were looking at the part where I said to imagine me giving you five bucks, in which case I was telling the truth and you're worth more than that.💕