Note: This one was between me and @schimmelspore, so I'll label which posts he wrote and link to those specifically. :)
Part 1
I feel like I've said this before, but I'm saying it again: I love this show's characterization of King Fin Varra.
What an amazing choice all around. The whole first episode with his introduction, and especially his wrap-up with Deirdre's test in the second episode, probably had one line in the script to explain what Fin Varra's deal is:
Fucks with them. Endlessly. That's it.
I get that these are tests, and he doesn't know who these random people in Tir Na Nog are, but he picks the most deliberately dickish way of sending them along and just LOLs about it. One time, Rohan goes to him for help and to angst about how he can't be Draganta, and Fin Varra's like, "Dude, I'm eating pudding. Go save your friends or something."
Rohan's like, "D: Are they in trouble?"
And Fin Varra's like, "idk i guess - bro, fr, pudding."
And he doesn't even start with that!! He says it at the end of the conversation - just throws it in 'cause he really wants that pudding 🤣
Like - he isn't Cathbad. The stock "Wise Character" is already fulfilled. Cathbad gives his advice freely and as clearly as he can, and the only limiting factor is whether his magic is strong enough.
Fin Varra is limited by whether he's feeling the vibe or not.
In any other show, Fin Varra would be giving them cryptic messages and lessons to learn, and the Mystic Knights would rise to each challenge and see that they've been made better for facing it. That's the point of those cryptic messages: they're third-act revelations to solve the day. And because they help eventually, the cliché is to have the heroes fawn over what this mystery could mean.
But no! The Mystic Knights just get increasingly pissed off about it! They fucking hate his riddles, and Angus openly calls it garbage multiple times throughout the show. The second-last episode, Fin Varra gives them a clue to the vial with the potion that's going to save Rohan's life, and not only do Angus and Ivar not say, "Hm, what an interesting clue, we should reflect on this," but they never even go back to thank him for it! Stupid Garrett would've never revealed the potion without those words from Fin Varra!
The one time Cathbad tries to be like, "Ooh, I know what this riddle means," he ends the show by being like, "aw shit guys, i'm so sorry, i misunderstood what the riddle meant. i totally get it now though."
And Fin Varra is so sick of them disrespecting his gifts - it's great, I love the dynamic, I wish we'd had more of the show just to show that.
Part 2
fin varra and all the fae are just genuinely written as fae and it so refreshing!
even midar is mostly a little asshole that openly says "eh idk if i feel like helping you today, maeve, youre kinda pathetic and im not in the mood to indulge" and hes not really holding back on it.
dont trust the faefolk because they are just cryptic little cunts and function solely on vibes and mood and... well. pudding.
Part 3
Fr I have no idea how Midar and Fin Varra are even at war. They seem like they should've been bored with it ages ago 🤣
It's awesome to see a show finally deliver on "fae are tricky," and actually have characters be frustrated by it instead of instantly and endlessly fascinated!
Part 4
I bet they are too bored, but they are also incredibly petty. Midar wants "his" Throne and fin varra just wants entertainment and pudding.
Also not only to the humans all get annoyed by the fae, the fae get annoyed by them. Midar calls maeve out all the time and fin varra and aideen do the same. "Cant you do anything yourself?" Is such a common sentiment ahahaha
Part 5

honestly, im convinced fin varra just thinks the mystic knights are funny as fuck
meanwhile midar gat the constantly pleading and begging bitch, who gets over her head and immediately crumbles when things dont go as planned. no wonder he ditched her a few times AHAHAHAHA
Part 6
🤯 Honestly?! You just changed my mind. He does think they're funny.
I know Fin Varra says it'd be bad if Maeve ruled so he's got a mutual interest with Kells, and kinda needs to work with them, but like...
The Mystic Knights are probably as much fun for the fae to watch as it is for the audience. Fin Varra's got that scrying pool, right? Tir Na Nog probably ha full-on livestreams of what's happening - in fact, I know they do, because how else would Fin Varra have known that Angus, Ivar and Deirdre were under Maeve's rage/paranoia spell while Rohan was in Tir Na Nog complaining about being Draganta? They were absolutely watching, and that pudding was Movie Night pudding, and Rohan was interrupting the fun A-Plot drama with his angsty Destiny subplot.
Now I'm trying to think of who their favourites are. 🤔
I know Aideen obviously has Rohan as #1, and Deirdre's her least favourite. I think she likes Angus more than Ivar, because even though he's done things like THROW A ROCK AT HER, she's had more heartfelt moments with him.
With Ivar, it seems a bit more... professional? He's more stoic than the others. He has his outbursts - OH BOY lots of them - but they're more spread out, and he's far calmer than the others. I think it's the royal upbringing that Aideen connects with less. The loud peasant vibe is more interesting.
So for Aideen, it's probably:
- Rohan
- Angus
- Ivar
- Deirdre
Which means Aideen is one of those fans who instantly hates the girl on the show 'cause they get in the way of her Rohan x Reader fics 😭
I don't know what she thinks of Garret. Aideen likes seeing humans brawl, but doesn't like when they argue. In fact, the fae seem to utterly loathe anyone getting their feelings hurt (which fits the lore around offending them, I think, if I'm not confusing it with other lore). That's what Aideen emphasizes when Angus storms off because Rohan was being a jerk, and also when she talks about treasuring gifts from friends after Angus storms off 'cause they were all being jerks. And it's Fin Varra's (and Midar's) go-to move when someone insults him: Spriggen Cloud Beam.
So Garrett would be funny because he's competitive, but not liked as much as Angus because he can be kind of snobby. That might put Ivar ahead.
As for Lugad...? 🤔 She might like him because he seems to mean well, and because he's competitive too. But he also brags a lot, and he doesn't have the same 'Chosen One' angst.
Okay - so maybe Aideen's list is this:
- Rohan
- Angus
- Lugad
- Ivar
- Garrett
- Deirdre
I think with how dramatic the first three are, Ivar is a refreshing amount of level-headedness to break it up. She probably has little chats with him off-screen. At least until he becomes the most competitive out of all them. But then he goes back to being chill again. uwu
(also omg no wonder she's always around and within earshot. if everyone's watching the scrying pool, she's basically watching on her own channel by being there in-person 🤣)
For Fin Varra, I know he likes Deirdre, but he oddly doesn't seem to show her much respect...? In that episode where he ruled Kells for a day, he kept directing everything he said to Angus. But he does respect her. He's also a bit... I don't want to say 'dismissive' of Rohan's whining, but he does seem more plot-focused that character-focused. Whenever someone's coming to ask how to move things along, he's on board to give answers. But wasting his time when he didn't summon them (like when Rohan and Angus brought the chesn with mini-Torc into Tir Na Nog), or coming in to complain about the plot is his least favourite thing. He likes action. That's probably why he didn't show Deirdre as much respect in the Switching Kingdoms episode: she was placating Fin Varra, which is boring, and Angus was inadvertently pushing the plot along, which might have been "insulting" but did deliver action.
Lugad pretty much just does whatever he's told, so I don't think Fin Varra has much interest in him (the 'placating' thing again). Ivar will go his own way when it serves him, but very often defers to the rules or traditions. Not as often as Deirdre, who's always having to be a Proper Princess™, but often enough. But he's not as easy to trick, which isn't as funny as it is with Deirdre.
Surprisingly, Garrett is constantly doing his own shit. I don't know if he'd suddenly play nice now that he's on the same team as everyone, but if he keeps up that hyper-competitiveness, he'd probably be a ton of fun for Fin Varra. So I think the list would be something like:
- Garrett
- Deirdre
- Ivar
- Lugad
With Rohan and Angus... 🤔
I think he actually likes Angus more. Angus doesn't ever go to Tir Na Nog unless he has to. Rohan'll check in for advice or just to chit-chat, it seems, so there's more chances for him to do the thing that almost got Angus turned into a Spriggen: correct Fin Varra on what the plot should be. The point would be in Angus' favour.
More than that, there's the difference in their shenanigans. When Rohan does something stupid, it's "I summoned a dragon" or "I accepted a duel." Simple and straightforward: here are the rules, go follow them. When Angus screws up, it's "Help I got framed for arson and now I need a lawyer" or "There's a 1000 year old wizard running around and mom said it's my turn to be possessed," or everyone's favourite: "I saw some gold in a field but the field was broken or something u_u." Way more interesting.
It's also harder to tell what Angus is gonna do. Rohan's very clear in his problem-solving: do the thing as fast as possible, even if it means skipping steps. Angus might act impulsively, or he might suddenly be cautious, or he might have a whole freaking strategy planned out. It kinda makes Angus the most fairy-like out of all of them, tbh. He's accidentally been speaking their language, or at least being crafty enough to endlessly entertain them.
So I think it'd be:
- Garrett
- Angus
- Deirdre
- Ivar
- Rohan
- Lugad
Rohan just wastes a lot of time struggling to do simple things. Angus wastes time doing elaborate things to get out of doing simple things, then goes and does the simple thing elaborately anyway. But I think Garrett's still at the top for the same reason Angus interacts with Garrett: he is so funny to torment.
Garrett just has to fight a little ghost for his test? Angus complains. Fin Varra's like, "no no dude watch this, it's gonna be hilarious"
Garrett and Ivar and Deirdre have to watch a baby dragon? Angus instantly stops complaining about getting herbs to laugh at them, and settles on Garrett.
The Dragonbow.
Angus even has the same kind of humour for watching people get put in their place. He's worried about Garrett and Rohan dueling, but when Rohan's in the water? Hilarious. Ivar's fighting Garrett in the throne room? Brings music. He himself is talking shit about girls net being as good at obstacle courses as boys? Admits it at the end. So just from what he thinks is funny (which we see more of), and what Fin Varra thinks is funny (which matches up even though we don't see as much), it stands to reason that Fin Varra also thinks Garrett is very fun to torment.
And now I'm wondering if maybe THAT had something to do with their tests. Fin Varra might have tested them to see a noble trait (ಠ_ಠ wait and then rohan became a prince, therefore angus = some sort of other prince confirmed), but maybe it was more like, "Idk, are you guys gonna be enough fun for us to watch?"
So Rohan being brave is good, because then they can make him do the dangerous parts of the plot. Ivar being loyal is good because that means he'll stay with the group despite his own quest. Angus being honest is good because that means his tricks are in the group's best interests. Deirdre being selfless is good because she'll find a way for the show to always go on. And Garrett being humble is good because LOLOLOL get wreckt garrett
Midar, meanwhile, who only appears when his plot's going on, is very much giving a "ಠ_ಠ this is a kid's show" opinion. So he's pretty annoyed by all of them for being dumb, but Maeve is so desperate for power that he can entertain himself by seeing what else she'll give up. Super mean, first of all, but that's gotta be why he's so quick to ditch her: the second she stops doing war plans and starts doing "I'm gonna marry the king uwu" plans, he's over it, and the second things get too 'expensive' for her to sacrifice anything else, what's the point of her? The fun with Maeve is what the next crazy thing she gives up will be.
Another random thought.
I always wondered why Aideen was the one in the first episode who sent that dream to Rohan. Why her, exactly?
But if she's the one who's watching the show from her "own screen," and if Fin Varra seems to always know what the next part of the story is supposed to be before the Mystic Knights even ask, then maybe that was Aideen putting her thumb on the scale.
After all, Ivar already knew where the fairy ring was. Maybe Rohan and Angus would've let Ivar go if Aideen hadn't told Rohan about meeting a stranger, and then they wouldn't have found Tir Na Nog at all. And from there, maybe they go searching other, more hidden parts of Ireland, like wherever Lugad's been held. Being so big, and with Rohan thinking Draganta had to be some knight hidden away somewhere, everyone probably would have thought Lugad was Draganta instead. After all, they both have the Mark of Destiny.
It's sort of something I was hoping they'd talk about someday: if both Lugad and Rohan have that mark, how do they know it's Rohan? The only thing that clued Cathbad in was that Pyre breathed the mark of destiny onto the ground. But Cathbad's gotten signs wrong before, and the step after getting Pyre was finding Draganta. No one ever said how long after, and technically Lugad was found after. Maybe Pyre was just checking off a box or committing himself to the team, not necessarily branding Rohan. I mean, Angus eventually kinda tames Pyre, so it's not like the dragon only listens to exactly one person.
But with Aideen's dream in Rohan's head...
... maybe even Fin Varra was tricked - yes, tricked :3 - into agreeing that things pointed to Rohan, the kid who'd been a druid's apprentice for many years and not very good at it, more than to Lugad, the Half-Demon who can throw an army across a battlefield and was able to lead Maeve to victory as her legendary warrior.
Maybe - uhhhhh...
... maybe Rohan's not actually Draganta. uwu
Maybe that's why Aideen so delighted he gets named Draganta. If she hadn't interfered exactly when she did, changing the plot (remember: this is someone who actually changed her whole species to become a human!), the plot would've gone on to tap somebody else for it.
👀 That is extremely interesting to me.
Part 7
Hang on - 'cause I was planning to post something about this yesterday, but decided not since it felt overly self-indulgent:
There was that toy reviewer's website that I found the other month, where in it, the guy says he thought Garrett's figurine was supposed to be Draganta, but "apparently Draganta is Rohan." And I loved that. I wanted a second season episode to be about Rohan facing someone who claims to be Draganta as well, and has all the same markings and passes the same tests... I don't know how it'd work, exactly, but it would be a glorious way to extend Rohan's angst about whether he's worthy and what his destiny is.
I also wanted to have the second season focus on Nemain wanting to take over Kells for Lugad's benefit. He's Maeve's son, so he's technically an heir to the throne. But idk - if I was Maeve, and I don't actually like my kids, and I only want to use them as weapons, why would I have a half-demon child and then some scrawny normie baby? Why would Lugad be older?
To me, I'd want Lugad being reluctantly put on the Temran throne while Nemain pushes him into conquest. I don't want him to instantly be a new good guy Sixth Knight right away. Over the season, I'd want everyone to realize that Rohan could be the heir to the Temran throne, too. In fact, they could realize he's older than Lugad, and was stolen away before Maeve could him into her weapon against Kells. That's what she says in one of the later episodes: Rohan was stolen from her. (angus is like "finders keepers lol yoink") And he'd be better than anyone, since he sees Kells as his home, and so he'd obviously agree to a peace treaty. So it becomes a push to make Rohan - who's already crushed under so much pressure - into a king.
Part of chipping away at his already very eroded identity could be that Lugad has just as much potential of being Draganta as Rohan does. Once that's thrown into question, once everyone just decides what Rohan's new life is going to be (which lines up with Conchobar doing things like arranged marriages), Rohan starts his ummmmmmm
... villain arc.
As much as Deirdre hated the thought of being wed without any say, she still expects royals to follow tradition. Ivar and Garrett are royals too. Conchobar has so much more of an opinion on politics, and will have a peace treaty already waiting for Rohan to sign. Angus is gonna be the only person on the planet left to be like "Hm, you guys are being assholes," but Angus is a peasant, and eventually Rohan's gonna pull the royal card on Angus too: "Stop acting like I can just 'stop' doing this. It's my destiny. What would you know? You're just a thief." So Angus is gonna be furious and do his ultimate Stomp Off, leaving Rohan alone and being as puppeted by Conchobar as Lugad was by Maeve and now Nemain.
And I think Nemain is going to notice that, and let Lugad slowly join the Mystic Knights (like he's been stubbornly sneaking off to do) and establish himself there. Once Rohan literally sees he's being replaced, she gives him Rohan a chance to "truly embrace his destiny" - not as Draganta, but as the King of Temra. Since the others don't seem to care about him and he's finally pushed Angus away, Rohan falls right into the plan Nemain's set out.
All of this is to totally destroy Ireland. Why does Nemain want that? Idk to get back at Maeve probably. But she wants Kells to either be conquered by Lugad (the son Maeve locked away) or destroyed by Rohan (the son Mave couldn't weaponize). And it's Rohan Time. 👀
Part 8
youre typing these out faster than i can follow dflkhjjkls
i dont have much to say, other than that i agree on all of your points. that would be such an interesting plot to the second season.
rohan villain arc, with him taking over maeves legacy a little bit and planning stuff because he feels betrayed and left behind, and we know rohan is a petty fucking bitch. that would be so interesting to see, someone who is so righteous and keen of being a good person and wanting to be enough basically snapping under the pressure. nemain only has to guide him gently. nudge him wherever she wants him to be.
but also your point of angus acting like a fae and the whole 'his test revealed noble qualities = angus prince??? and all that... ive been thinking about it a lot.
i mean we talked in the past that angus seems to have some affinity for magic, though its not druid magic, clearly. and now with how similar angus humor and actions are to the fae... what if hes a fae? a changeling child? has fae blood and doesnt know? his strongest trait is his wit, and it is from the very beginning. his wit and his ability to move on when he fucked up or made a fool of himself because what does it matter in the end, right? hes a jokester, mischievious, you can trust on certain things, but hes tricky enough to trick other fae...
which brings me to the sub plot of rohans villain arc: getting angus back.
because angus being pissed enough to genuinely stomp off for longer than a day or two could mean him fucking off for longer. maybe to places along the coast, further away from the castle, but still in kells. they have been kind of everwhere after all and angus is a peasant, which means he probably always had an easier time just connecting to villagers who dont know him as a thief. what if this pushes him more into the grey morality he already has? he could travel along the edges of the kingdom, kind of fucking with soldiers wherever he sees them do something he doesnt like, which goes for kells and temra all the same. angus becomes this sort of rumored rogue, maybe even a bit of a robin hood character. but the guy going along and fucking with troops and helping peasants rarely gets conflated with angus himself. hes good at hiding when he does things. over all hes just trying to live and to find a new meaning for it all, because he, too, feels betrayed and dismissed and hes over all salty about the whole thing.
it would be funny if rohan quickly figures out who has been fucking with the temra troops along the more remote borders, but he does nothing to stop angus. hes pissed at angus but also feels guilty and hes not ready to unpack that, so the throws the whole suitcase away and just. ignores.
it would be even funnier if garret is the one first getting back into contact with angus. purely by chance.
its a bit of taunting each other, drinking together... and probably enough respect from garretts side to not press angus on coming back. tbh garrett is probably confident enough that his own greatness brings angus back at some point. yk. like usual lmao.
it probably takes angus seeing just how fucked up rohan is for him to be like "fuck it, my monkey, my circus" and get involved to set rohans head back right on his shoulders.
Part 9
The idea of Angus being a fae in some way actually makes so much sense. The Irish fae are supposed to have a really particular fixation on kids - and when did Rohan and Angus meet? 👀 And Meave says Rohan was stolen from her - by who? 👀
The fae. 😍
With changelings, the idea is that a fairy took a healthy baby and replaced it with a sickly fairy one. And importantly, the fae are supposed to be drawn to pretty things, so the reason they take that particular baby is because it's a pretty kid, meaning it'll fit in great among the fairies as it grows up.
I don't think that's Angus. I think that's Rohan. As in, I now think Rohan was stolen from Maeve as a baby and replaced with a sickly-looking - or ugly-looking - baby. After all, Aideen fawns over how handsome Rohan is, so he's got the attention of one fairy already. And they have different standards for beauty than what humans have (that's why Deirdre turned green in one episode), so everyone calling Angus handsome doesn't mean as much as it does a fairy calling Rohan handsome.
And who in this show has a brother? 👀
And what does everyone describe that brother as? 👀
Yup - Lugad, who even Rohan says is a monster. A half-demon (half-fairy) child that the fae cast out for being ugly, stealing Rohan instead and dumping Lugad off with Maeve.
Maybe the Mark of Destiny was even meant to be the fae mark left to show how they were linked - like a weird, special calling card the show invented, where the two swapped kids and the mom get tagged to signal that had happened. That's not part of the actual myth, but if the show added it, it could explain why everyone's so convinced that that little mark is definitive proof that Rohan and Lugad are related, and that Maeve's their mother: it's what these fairies (or this type of fairy, since Tir Na Nog doesn't seem like the type to house human-sized babies) do to track what's been done. Fairy-touched or something. :)
The fae themselves are supposed to be particularly attractive to humans, too. So that's where it does make sense that people (humans) think Angus is handsome. That, plus Angus' frequently mentioned trickiness and mischief, his absolute adoration of gold and jewels, that affinity for magic... It totally makes sense.
Imagine his type of fairies - again, different from Tir Na Nog's, which is also helpful in explaining why no one in Tir Na Nog says Angus is one of them, and maybe why they can't teach him any of their magic. His type could be the "We like gold and jewels and tricks and we also steal babies" ones. They take Rohan, leave Lugad, slap a mark onto both of them and Maeve, and run off.
Rohan and Angus grow up together, because Angus is already there as a fairy. Could he have been another human kid that the fae took? Sure, but no sense in having two of those, and this way, there's more reason to explain why Angus is so pro-gold and magic, while Rohan scoffs at needing gold and isn't as weirdly delighted by magic as much.
Rohan, who's also a bit of a dunce with magic (as Cathbad will learn), starts to realize he doesn't fit in with the other fairies. Angus, not wanting his friend to be upset, helps Rohan realize that because he's a human, he won't learn magic like the rest of them will. This upsets Rohan more lol, and that leads to him wanting to know who his real family is (so this starts real early in his life).
Angus already cares about Rohan, but leaving the fairy world to go to the human world isn't going to be easy. Maybe that's why Midar uses the chalice as a portal; some fairies are deeper in that world than the ones in Tir Na Nog, who are practically living on the surface. So to get to the human world, it's going to take big magic.
There are some Irish myths where you have to 'catch' the fae or summon it, and if you do, you get wishes. With how often they roughhouse, I could see them doing that as kids too, so Rohan - being the human - 'catches' Angus and Angus gives Rohan a wish. (Fun callback to that episode - Angus never gets his own damn wish. 😝) The wish is that Rohan goes home to find his family. Just before it's granted though, either realizing he'd be alone or (hopefully) seeing Angus look sad, Rohan says he wants them both to go to the human world so Rohan can find his family.
But Angus is a kid, and the magic Angus makes with just Cathbad's powders are pretty chaotic. They arrive but they have no memory of who they are, only that Rohan's here to find his family and he came here with his friend. They stick together because they know that they know each other, even if they can't explain it better than that. And from there, they try to find the nearest village.
(😄 I love how that even keeps my mental image of Angus being the first thing Rohan sees when he wakes up. They could've easily appeared in a forest and been knocked out, and Angus could've woken up first, wandered around, found Rohan, and gone to check if Rohan was dead or not. And with only the knowledge that "I came here with Rohan" in mind, of course he stays.)
Maybe the reason Angus is that powerful at all is because he's conveniently been a fairy prince this whole damn time. Maybe his parents are SUPER MAD that this human child they LOVINGLY STOLE reverse-Uno'd that by stealing their kid. Imagine a whole subplot where Angus finds out about this, but only because his family is actively launching a new war against Tir Na Nog now that they've found out King Fin Varra met Angus, but didn't immediately re-kidnap him and hand him back. That'd be fun as hell.
So for Rohan's villain arc, that paints so much more of a picture. Rohan's had his life stolen from the very beginning. Sure, maybe his mother doesn't love him and only wanted him as a weapon, but that was still his mother. He was robbed of being a prince and made to live in poverty, until he was taken in to waste his time as a druid's apprentice. Once he finally feels like he has a purpose in life, he gets scolded by his best friend for being arrogant, and scolded by everyone else for not immediately saving Kells. Then he does save Kells, only now there's a new villain, and now everyone wants him to give up being Draganta (questioning if he even is Draganta) to become a puppeted king who still has no control over anything.
And there's Angus in his ear, insisting that Rohan doesn't have to be treated this way...
... except now Rohan knows that Angus is one of the very fairies who stole him from Maeve in the first place - who did all of this to him. To start preaching that Rohan can do whatever he wants, live whatever life he'd like, after Angus himself had gotten after Rohan for trying to do exactly that? It's so disgustingly hypocritical. The others might be controlling everything he does, but at least they don't pretend to be doing it for Rohan. They're honest about their greed - and wasn't that what Fin Varra had been testing Angus for? How did he ever even pass that test? Who is Angus to be here to tell him anything when Angus is nothing more than a lying, life-ruining, child-stealing thief?
So yeah.
Angus goes.
The grey morality you mentioned could come out in full force after that. Angus resents Temra for so many reasons already, having had to grow up in that war, but now it's just as bitter towards Kells - who broke his friend, who drove Rohan practically crazy, and didn't care about anything other than how to use Rohan as a weapon. Just like Maeve wanted to do. Angus might think (all those other fairies mighty think) they did Rohan a favour by stealing him from a loveless home (I can't even count how many times Maeve was trying to kill him lolololol). It could be how the new war settles: Rohan realizes these other fairies aren't evil, but have a very 'criminal' way of doing favours. But Kells turned out to be worse. Maybe there's a looming sense of regret for bringing Rohan to the human world again. In the fairy world, Angus could've stayed a prince and had magic and he and Rohan would've never gone hungry ever. Ever since they've been here, though...
And it was Angus' former magic that made it happen, apparently.
He's super salty about it, because how ungrateful could Rohan be after everything Angus sacrificed for him, but he's also so angry at himself. Unfortunately, what Rohan said might've had an uncomfortable amount of truth to it.
Garrett, I think, could tap into that. With how proud he is, and with Angus having been a magical fairy prince, there's no one better to lament over how awful it is to give all that up, live in poverty, not even be the one taken in as a druid's apprentice, get dragged into this quest out of loyalty that Rohan ultimately didn't return, and live knowing that he chose to do that for Rohan. He'd really get Angus talking, especially as they drink more. Deirdre and Ivar would do too many appeals to friendship and duty; no, Garrett knows this calls for indigent outrage.
It's only after Angus has gone on and on about how much he gave up, how much pain and outright suffering Angus endured (and hid from Rohan to be kind), how much wealth and gold and treasures had been waiting for him this whole time, how much he'd ruined his own life by granting that stupid wish... that Garrett's able to 'trick' him.
Garrett asks why Angus granted the wish.
Angus can say whatever he wants at first, but it'll eventually come down to being, "Because I wanted Rohan to be happy."
Which is exactly what Garrett would be counting on, as the next thing he says is, "Do you still want that?"
It might be right away. It might be days or weeks later. But that question is going to be absolute trapped in Angus' head, along with the mistake of ruining Rohan's life by letting all of this happen.
I think the anger and hurt would be too much for that to be enough on its own. I think Angus would still need to see Rohan, like you said. But when he does - ooooooooh. The "yes" that goes off in his mind is deafening. He can't leave Rohan this way, and no one else is going to see him as anything more than a villain or a tyrant or a weapon or whatever, not the kid that Angus' family pitied enough to steal away, or the friend Angus loved enough to steal back.
(🥹 omg post-evil-Rohan going from having no family to a found family to a DOUBLE-found family when the fairies that kidnapped him want both Angus and Rohan back, but couldn't ask because they only had a true claim to Angus. I'm picturing Angus' parents being like "this was your baby hat, rohan 🥰" and Rohan going "really 🥹" and them going "yeah we made it out of a golden rat butt, as is tradition for our kids 🥰" and Rohan going like "🥹 i was worthy of a golden rat butt hat?" 💖💖💖💖💖💖)
(Also this might not mean Angus and Lugad are brothers. Lugad could've simply been any ol' fairy baby (sorry lugad), and Angus' parents were like, "this poor ugly baby 😔 we shall give it to the ugly humans so that it may have a better chance at life. But we must bring back a handsome baby to replace it. Where do we find one of those among the ugly humans? 🤔 Oh let's check the royal families! They like putting gold and stuff on their babies 🤗 Yay a prince baby! Well, we have to keep treating it like royalty, so it can go live with our royal family 🤗 We are doing good deeds 🤗 LMAOOOO @ the human mom's face though i bet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣")
(other little edit: I do kind of prefer the idea that if Angus ever finds out he's a fae, he doesn't get his memories back. Idk I just think that's cheating or too easy or something. So if he answers Garrett's question, it's what he's assuming it would've been. He doesn't know for sure, but he also doesn't need to know for sure because that's the answer that's real to him.
it's also because i don't want him to suddenly change by having his memories back. 🥲)