Part 1
I think it's so funny that in Episode 5, Angus is like, ":3 i'd love to get a kiss from the princess" and Rohan's like, "haha and i don't want a kiss from you lmao" and Angus is like, "🤨?"
And it takes all the way until Episode 39 for Rohan to finally be like, "yes i would also like a kiss from the princess. that is what i would want."
And it's like buddy
This is not complicated
You have Angus and Garrett giving step-by-step examples on how to flirt with a girl. At this point, waiting until the only pressure that's existed on this show to make you have to prove you're totally in love with Deirdre (aka Garrett) is leaving for three months says more about how 'into' Deirdre you are than anything else.
It's giving this:

And it's like the only time Rohan initiates a bit about liking Deirdre. Outside of that, it's him following Angus' lead and joining in on his friend's joke. Or telling Deirdre that Angus isn't "that handsome, stop it right now 😤".
It's not really shyness, because Rohan'll say almost as much as Angus when he finally deigns to flirt. He's just got no interest in doing anything unless Angus is asking or joking or musing about it first. Angus is even the one who says Rohan should be jealous over Garrett and Deirdre, and I am convinced Rohan wouldn't've bothered interrupting that date if he wasn't trying to fulfill this 'jealous' expectation.
So the one time Rohan takes the lead, it's at the last, possible second that the 'cause' of his 'jealousy' is even still around. Just slipped it in there, gave a good "That'll do it," and then got back to enjoying three months of No Garrett and No Pressure to put on a show. 🤣
I'm not totally saying this as a ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°) at Rohan's inherent interests in certain people.
I'm more saying it as "This dude will do anything that's expected of him, jfc he's cursed with peak People Pleaser and it's damn near fatal" and "Literally all Aideen had to do to get Rohan to notice her was have Angus flirt a little first lmao - but also it would end the second Angus stopped flirting so ENJOY IT WHILE LASTS, AIDEEEEEEEEN"
(Polycule-wise, this probably means Rohan would be an excellent (if not rigid) boyfriend to everyone... provided Angus tells him to be that. It's not a two-for-one deal with these guys; it's a "You get Angus, and then Angus will casually lob Rohan in your direction" lol)
Part 2
I just made myself laugh, 'cause I thought of this post again on a rewatch of that Shipwrecked episode.
Rohan says, "I'd brave a long journey to get a kiss from the princess."
I think I've explained why I'm already 🤣 at that.
Then Angus says, "Yep, and I'd be right behind you."
On one hand, yes, obviously I understand what the actual joke is: "I hate walking, so it says a lot that I'd go on a long journey just for that kiss."
But on the other, funnier hand, it has me going, "Angus, you sarcastic bitch."
Because Angus hates walking. So that is storming across my mind WAY MORE like he's saying it would never happen, 'cause Rohan would never do it, which is genuinely hilarious 'cause he says it right to poor Rohan's face 🤣
In short, I am updating my choice of meme to be this one instead:

Poor Rohan. The Himbo who has so clearly never been kissed even once, but is trying his damndest to fake it anyway.
You're doing your best, buddy 💖