Part 1
Me when I think about Rohan making jokes that Angus is dumb but also about how when Garrett is working with Maeve to murder all of them, he says the thing to watch out for with Angus is how Angus likes to be tricky, and then he goes after Angus by being too fast for Angus to do anything tricky, and you know it's 'cause Garrett was trying to be too fast 'cause he snipes Angus at the same time as Deirdre, who Garrett had already called out as being a perfectionist "who takes too much time" so he has to move before either of them get a chance to react, which Garrett knows 'cause he's fought them all one-on-one before and equally knows the worst thing that could happen is giving Angus a minute to properly consider how to ruin everyone's day since he will and he's good enough at it that it's his central threat to everyone including Garrett and the Rock Wolf and Torc and even Rohan himself, but how Rohan can still just casually call Angus dumb 'cause he's never really had to see that side of Angus coming after him except for the one time Angus was bewitched and kicking Rohan's ass up until Angus started losing, but then he went "lol :3c why are we fighting" at Rohan and Rohan instantly drops his guard even though Rohan's whole thing is "I uSeD to Be a DRuiD's aPpRenTIce I KnoW tHE LooK", and then Angus immediately returns to kicking Rohan's ass with that new upper hand since REALLY, ROHAN, ARE YOU SURE ANGUS IS THE DUMB ONE, ARE YOU SURE, YOU FELL FOR THAT AND SO DID EVERYONE ELSE WHO GETS IN ANGUS' WAY, GARRETT SAYS ANGUS WILL TRY TO BE TRICKY LIKE IT'S EXACTLY WHY HE HAD TO TIE ANGUS TO A TREE AND GAG HIM, WHAT DID ANGUS EVEN DO TO HIM WHEN THEY FIRST MET OMGGGGGGGGGG WHY IS GARRETT SO HOSTILE ABOUT THAT IN PARTICULAR

(i'm lying of course, since i know exactly what angus did to garrett: he fuckin' robbed him LMAO)
(if there's one thing we know about garrett, it's that he has to fight every fire with even more fire. garrett didn't dump angus into a lake to prove he was a better fighter like he did with rohan, or actively hurt angus like he did with ivar. garrett tied angus to a tree to prove who the 'true fool' was 'cause garrett was 100% robbed and it was 1000% from angus smooth-talking it away, hence having to gag 'im too LOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLLOLOL JUST FOR GARRETT TO DEMONSTRATE HOW EASY IT WAS FOR ANGUS TO DO WHEN THAT ":3c hey garrett can i drive your car i'm really good at it" BULLSHIT HAPPENS LATER, WHY GARRETT WHY DO YOU PEOPLE EVER BELIEVE HIM, HOW DO YOU NEVER LEARN, HOW DO YOU ALL GET OFF CALLING HIM THE DUMB ONE WHEN HE IS HAPPILY SCAMMING YOU EVERY FIVE MINUTES)
Part 2
Lmao ok he does literally always get found out, so let's call it even ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Part 3
Rewatched that episode and saw Garrett refers to Angus (when Angus is tied up to the tree) by telling Rohan (who's doing some classic Rohan mild-shit-talking), "Oh, is that right? You'd like to see me tied up to a tree like your careless friend?"
Put those thoughts away, I'm giving you different ones.
Anyway, I'm imagining how Angus robbing Garrett would've played out. Like this:
Garrett: >:( Hang on. Why is my gold in your pockets?
Angus: ??? gold??? pockets??? mine??? your??? whatever do you mean kind stranger???
Garrett: *sword up*
Angus: Oh, this gold? Ohhhhh. Well, why didn't you say so :)
Garrett: I did say so-
Angus: Pixies, probably. Kells has a lot of those around, always playing tricks. You've got to really keep your eyes open around here.
Angus: so here's ur gold back :)
Garrett: Thank you. *sword down*
Angus: :) Of course! And now off I go.
Garrett: *sword up* In the time it took for you to take your second step, I seem to have lost my gold again.
Angus: :)
Garrett: Pockets.
Angus: :)
Garrett: *sword up very high*
Angus: :)?
Garrett: *very much about to stab someone*
Angus: Oh my, what another unfortunate mistake! It seems my pockets do have some extra gold after all! Silly me, getting pranked by those fairies again. Looks like I'll be taking my advice about leaving my eyes open, and I'll be taking my leave -
... and also QUESTION TIME of, "Hmm. What does this imply about how they were positioned for Garrett to have discovered his gold in someone else's pants in the first place...?"
#omg rohan getting jealous by how many times garrett 'casually checks' if angus has stolen anything
#like way too often and way too casually