Part 1
Okay, but actually: I just threw this into my tags for the OP, but if Vincent Walsh did leave the show (😭) and they wanted to keep the character anyway (or just have Angus go off for a month on vacation as a plot point), they could've had it so Rohan survives two weeks of being on good behaviour for the others. After that, he starts sliding into what I'm going to call "Peak Rohan" because he can only keep up the good behaviour for so long.
Rohan starts talking to the others about random crap, saying what's on his mind like "mm :) thoughts," and the others are patiently listening and trying to comment on it. But they aren't totally sure Rohan's even listening to them, or they aren't sure if Rohan's being serious, and it eventually gets to a point where they don't know how to respond and they're concerned by his Behaviour™.
Even Cathbad doesn't have an answer, because although he knows Rohan can get a little rambly, Angus has usually gotten involved long before this point so it's kind of Cathbad's first time seeing it too. There's no Angus to jump in or shoo Rohan away to.
Except there is. The actual Angus, who's somewhere over in [insert place he's at].
Using druid magic or standard fantasy birds or a magic scroll or whatever, Cathbad gives Rohan something to write with and write on as everybody in the castle begs him to talk to Angus and sort out whatever's happening. Rohan happily accepts because he does miss Angus, and was maybe trying not to ask if he could talk to his friend because Rohan didn't want to bother him. You know, one of those classic "I'll give him some space and just be sad and lonely in my corner while I wait for him to come home :(" scenarios.
So Rohan writes to Angus and Angus writes back and it's almost as good as Angus actually being there with him, and the others see Rohan returning to 'normal'. It's like its own magic. In fact, it's such a sudden snap to the status quo that they ask Cathbad if there's a way to look at what those two are saying.
I imagine Cathbad would say something about privacy and whatnot, but we also know he'll bend those morals when it suits him. "Don't you want to know what to do if Angus ever leaves for good" would be pretty damn persuasive, so Cathbad agrees to let them all take a look at one page - just one!! - from what they were talking about the night before.
And it's the chat that I stole from the OP I linked up there, which shows up on the magic scroll they've been using to message each other:

Because I love the idea of everyone else thinking, "Rohan's usually so mature and heroic (in-between tantrums) and he's been so loopy and silly without Angus, he must be sad or sick or sick from sadness, maybe Angus will fix him," and Angus revealing, "no that's just how rohan is lmao 💖 also how many holes has he dug and where is he hiding them"
I think what makes me so happy about that is how they're such good friends, so close to each other, but bicker and fight multiple times along the show. It isn't constant, so we're never left to wonder "how tf are these two friends," and it's definitively outweighed by how much more often they show they care about each other. So... -_- using the episode with the wish (jfc yes again) as an example of what I'm getting at, there's the part where Angus has stormed off already and Rohan's telling Deirdre and Ivar that Angus has stormed off. Rohan says it quite casually, not even looking up at them, 'cause that's just how Angus is. And it's not in a ">:( I hate when he does that" way but in more of a chilled out "He needed some space so he did the thing he does" vibe. It feels like Rohan's showing us that his friendship with Angus isn't in spite of things like that - or in spite of any of the bickering and fighting they do. It's because of it, more or less. Angus is the kind of guy to peace out when he's frustrated, which is something Rohan sees as part of him rather than something to correct.
Especially when Rohan becomes Draganta and starts being surrounded by yes men who treat him differently overnight, speaking over how he actually feels to tell him how he should be feeling? Having Angus still willing to fight back while being responsible enough to leave when he gets too heated is incredibly precious now - more than ever.
So I like seeing it go the other way as well: yes, Rohan has a lot of tantrums and a lot of dumb ideas, but Angus doesn't see that as problems to 'correct'. He'll jump in to stop Rohan from getting hurt or making too much of an ass of himself, but he just as often encourages Rohan to do the stupid shit he's planning. It means when Angus is away and Rohan has nobody to talk to, and everyone else is trying to get Rohan back to 'behaving' so they can have 'proper' conversations with him again, there's Angus like, "No, that is a proper conversation with Rohan. This is the good stuff. :) Quit telling him to change. >:( Rohan, burn something if they try."
The idea of Rohan writing to Angus to talk about blaming holes on Pyre and Angus being like "wtf are you talking about", and both of them insisting later that that's a perfectly average conversation between the two of them and merrily expecting to have even more conversations like that later, is completely adorable to me. This is shit they'd talk about as kids when there was nothing to eat and they were trying to distract themselves from that, and they kept it up as adults. 💖 Rohan gets the freedom to be his silly self with his friend, dropping his own mask around someone he trusts enough to let the mask be dropped.
Also that whole convo was funny as hell and I love the thought of that being something they'd say lol
These are two guys who've had at least two episodes semi-centred around them arm wrestling each other (not even to impress Deirdre, they just like doing it), so you've gotta wonder what they chat about in their normal downtime. Real 'boys will be boys' shit lololol Angus is gonna wanna find these holes when he gets back and it's gonna be exactly as stupid as Rohan made it sound
(he's lowkey gonna be proud of rohan i bet LMAO especially if one's deep enough that rohan almost got stuck in it for a while. angus would deadass hop in and so would rohan and they'd hang out in there for the afternoon, and then come to a very concerning realization that they are actually stuck and have to boost each other up to escape again)
Part 2
Did I make myself slightly sad realizing this means Rohan tried to open up and be his real self with the others and basically got sent away until he was 'normal' again, reinforcing his implied decision to never open up like that with anyone except Angus since Angus is the only one who seems to understand and like him? Yes.
Did I make myself slightly sadder remembering Rohan's never shown to have any other friends in Kells despite living there all his life, whereas Angus actually gets two old friends to show up and use their knowledge of his thieving habits to rob him on top of him having quick interactions with other folks about things unrelated to being a Mystic Knight, implying that Rohan's either been so secluded in the castle that he's cut off from meeting anybody else, or that Angus is the only one who seems to like Rohan even before Cathbad took him in as an apprentice? Also yes.
But did I make myself even sadder remembering that thread about Angus having his own mask that he doesn't trust anybody enough to drop, including Rohan, and how devastating that would be for Rohan to find out when he can't even go two weeks without letting his mask slip whether he wanted to or not?
Part 3
At least once after this, when Rohan's angry or exhausted from dealing with everyone who's probably started making fun of him for randomly digging in various fields, Angus asks, "You wanna go in a hole? 🥺"
'Cause running off and being alone is Angus' favourite thing, so it's his little way of sharing that with Rohan, too.
And Rohan goes, "... yea 😞"
And Angus says, "ok you go in a hole buddy, i'll come find you later"
Later comes and Angus goes looking around for which hole Rohan's in, and he eventually finds his friend at the bottom of one all curled up and being like, "😞"
And Angus says, "🥺 you okay?"
And Rohan goes, "😞 yea"
And Angus says, "🥺 want some snacks?"
And Rohan goes, "😞 maybe"
So Angus lowers down some snacks in a bag (some fruit he picked and definitely at least one pastry he swiped) and says, "🥺 you wanna stay there a little longer?"
And Rohan goes, "😞 yea"
And Angus says, "🥺 you want me to stay too?"
And Rohan thinks about it and then goes, "😞 yes please"
And Angus is like, "ok well get out of the hole for a sec and help me kick some Temran ass 'cause there's like ten guys who just wandered up"
So Rohan's like, "😞 fine" and gets out and fights the Temrans, and then the two of them get back into the hole afterwards to chill.
And Angus is like, "🙂 this is nice"
And Rohan's like, "right?!? It's peaceful 😞 no one appreciates it"
And Angus says, "what do you do if it rains"
And Rohan says, "😞 i just put my cape over the top of it 😞 it's perfectly dry and comfortable"
And Angus says, "🤔 if we put grass on top of your cape and brought more snacks, we could camp out here probably"
And Rohan's like, "🥺 really?"
And Angus goes, "ya it's like camping in a cave but down lol"
And Rohan's like, "🥺 can we make a fire and cook stuff?"
And Angus goes, "🤔 probably not enough room in the hole"
And Rohan's like, "😞 oh"
Then Angus says, "🤔 maybe we could hang it somehow? or make a sideways hole?"
And Rohan's like, "... a tunnel?"
And Angus is like, "don't get shitty with me, you're the one who didn't leave enough space for a fire in here 😤"
And Rohan's like, "wait i have an idea"
Angus goes, "👀"
A day and a half later, Ivar and Deirdre finally find these guys, and they've got the main hole that they're sitting in and the cooking hole beside that one and a little tunnel connecting them that they can cover with Rohan's cape and some bushes dragged over the top to make a small roof. And they're having a great time down there. The only thing missing is a sign up top saying "no royalz >:("
And Deirdre and Ivar are like, "Angus, you too?! Both of you get out of there, we're expecting an attack!"
And those two are like, "Another one?" And then they point to a third hole farther away - more of a pit - that does have a sign: "Temra Hole". And there's ten Temran soldiers looking pretty damn grumpy sat down at the bottom. They have snacks with them, though, so there's that.
And Deirdre and Ivar are like, "You captured them?! And put them in a hole?!"
And Rohan's like, "That was going to be our cloud-watching hole and they fell in."
And Angus says, "Would've been better if they fell into the Time Out Hole and we could've tested how well that worked but ┐( ∵ )┌"
Deirdre and Ivar ask what the Time Out Hole is, and Rohan starts to explain that it's a pit where they accidentally hit water but decided to keep it in case they started fighting and needed to cool their head, but Angus stops him and says, "We're hole-men now, Rohan. We don't have to answer to hill-walkers."
And Deirdre's like, "Well, hole-men, now that you've finished protecting our borders from below, maybe you'll come back long enough to bathe and report what happened to my father?"
And Rohan's like, "Oh, we don't need to come back to bathe."
And Angus goes, "Yeah, we've got a Cleaning Hole over in the other direction. So we'll use that and we'll meet you back at the castle."
Deirdre and Ivar want to see wtf the Cleaning Hole is.
Rohan and Angus say no.
This is the sort of shit Rohan can't really do with anyone else. 💖
... (the cleaning hole is the same as the time out hole so they got lucky that the temrans fell into that other one instead)
Part 4
Rohan and Angus come back to the castle. Rohan's got some dirt on him.
Deirdre: I thought you said you had a Cleaning Hole.
Rohan: hole broke.
Deirdre: ... What do you mean the 'hole broke'?
Angus, walking in and absolutely caked in mud:
Rohan: ┐( ∵ )┌ hole broke
Angus: 😞 hole broke